Las Baulas National Marine Park


Las Baulas National Marine Park at a Glance

  • Ideal time to visit: Year-round. Night-time visits to the beach to observe turtle nesting are only allowed from October to February.
  • Nearby activities: Hiking, Sea kayaking, Sailing, Snorkeling, Surfing, Swimming
  • Nearby attractions: Park Museum at the entrance, Tamarindo estuary and mangroves at the mouth of the Matapalo River, San Francisco River Estuary, Playa Grande, Playa Langosta, Playa Ventanas
  • Special Features:  
    It supports the largest nesting colony of leatherback sea turtles (baulas) on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, with a population size of about 800 female turtles nesting per year.

Fast Facts About Las Baulas